Full Figured 4 (audiobook mp3)

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Carl Weber has the touch when it comes to matching up today's best urban romance writers for his compulsively readable anthologies. Full Figured 4: Plus Size Divas is one of the best!Bestselling author (and full-figured model) Anna J. contributes the sassy sizzler "Somebody Else's Guy." Wealthy, powerful hair salon owner Valencia McKoy is not quite so self-assured when it comes to her stunning full figure. When her marriage to star stockbroker Sean falls apart, so does she ... which leads her to the couch of Dr. Alexander Thornton III, a renowned psychiatrist. Can he help Valencia learn to love her bod-without crossing the professional line? He can't help but notice her alluring curves, and the way Valencia sees it, he may just be Dr. Right.Natalie Weber (Bi-Curious) rounds out the volume with the riveting "Three the Hard Way." Amber Couture has a curvaceous, bountiful body and an ego just as big. Juggling three adoring men is all in a day's play, but now she's got her hands full with Trevor (the heat between the sheets), Stephen (the cash to keep Amber in bling), and Robert (the nice guy who's determined not to finish last). Amber's playing with fire-and she just might get burned!
ID produktu: 1336430741
Tytuł: Full Figured 4
Autor: J. Anna , Weber Natalie , Weber Carl
Lektor: LaChappelle Mishi
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-04-23
Rok wydania: 2019
Format: MP3
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