Full Figured 11 (audiobook mp3)

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Once again, Carl Weber brings together two literary divas to give readers what they've been asking for: empowering stories about big, beautiful women."Lights, Camera, Action" by Treasure Hernandez: Janiyah Wade is a successful plus-size model who almost loses it all when she is sent to prison for three years. When things work in her favor and she is able to kick-start her career again, things are starting to look up for her and her husband, Gun. But the heat Janiyah feels when she's under the bright lights during her photo shoots is nothing compared to the heat she and Gun will feel when their blessed union is exposed for all of Raleigh, North Carolina, to see. "How Does It Feel?" by Katt: Braylin Smith, Nayla Anderson, and Judea Hamiliton are three full-figured women who come from totally different walks of life to become the most unlikely trio of best friends. Braylin's man ain't treating her right, but he strokes her right. A better man is on the way, but not without a price. Nayla never knew true love, just convenient lovin'. Will she be willing to look past a man's wallet and accept true love? Judea has never known the touch of another, but before she can even think about committing to someone else, she needs to learn to love herself. These three ladies are dealing with drama almost as big as their beautiful curves. Travel with them as they ride through this adventure called life.
ID produktu: 1309824865
Tytuł: Full Figured 11
Autor: Weber Carl , Hernandez Treasure
Lektor: Park Ellis
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2018-06-26
Rok wydania: 2018
Format: MP3
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