Failosophy for Teens (audiobook mp3)

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A game-changing guide to being happier, healthier and succeeding better, based on the Sunday Times bestseller - 150,000 copies sold!A HANDBOOK FOR WHEN THINGS GO WRONGPretty much all of us would like to feel happier, less anxious, more successful and at ease with ourselves. Right?The key may surprise you: FAILURE!Failosophy For Teens is an inspiring and empowering guide to those moments when life doesn't go to plan. Using personal experience and stories shared by guests on her award-winning podcast, How to Fail, Elizabeth's book is full of creative and inspiring advice on how to:- talk openly about failure- turn failure into success- build resilience for when life sends you curveballs- reframe negative thoughts about yourself. . . and much more!Failing better is the key to learning, growing and ultimately loving yourself as the truly AWESOME human being you are. Failosophy For Teens will challenge your self-perception and change your life!Perfect for fans of Marcus Rashford's You Are a Champion and Bryony Gordon's You Got This.Failosophy (adult edition) is a Sunday Times bestseller and has reached over 150,000 readers.PRAISE FOR FAILOSOPHY (adult edition)'A beautiful timely and humane book. If there's one philosophy the world needs more of right now, it's Failosophy' Alain de Botton'A pragmatic and pocket-sized guide to failure - how to cope with it and what to learn from it ... a must read' Glamour'The timing of this guide couldn't be better... Day's advice is both practical and reassuring.' Evening Standard'Witty and likeable... thoughtful and probing'Guardian

ID produktu: 1440848005
Tytuł: Failosophy for Teens
Autor: Day Elizabeth
Lektor: Hankinson Kim
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-12-09
Rok wydania: 2023
Format: MP3
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