Ender in Exile (audiobook mp3)

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Orson Scott Card returns to his best-selling series with a new Ender novel, Ender in Exile.At the close of Ender's Game, Andrew Wiggin - called Ender by everyone - is told that he can no longer live on Earth, and he realizes that this is the truth. He has become far more than just a boy who won a game: he is the Savior of Earth, a hero, a military genius whose allegiance is sought by every nation of the newly shattered Earth Hegemony. He is offered the choice of living in isolation on Eros, at one of the Hegemony's training facilities, but instead the twelve-year-old chooses to leave his home world and begin the long relativistic journey out to the colonies. With him went his sister Valentine, and the core of the artificial intelligence that would become Jane.The story of those years has never been told... until now.

ID produktu: 1297803659
Tytuł: Ender in Exile
Autor: Card Orson Scott
Lektor: Rudnicki Stefan
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2008-11-11
Rok wydania: 2008
Format: MP3
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