Eleventh Gate (audiobook mp3)

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What lies beyond the eleventh gate ...Despite economic and territorial tensions, no one wants the city-states of the Eight Worlds to repeat the Terran collapse by going to war. But when war accidentally happens, everyone seeks ways to exploit it for gain. The Landry and Peregoy ruling dynasties see opportunities to grab territory, increase profits, and settle old scores. Exploited underclasses use war to fuel rebellion. Ambitious heirs can finally topple their elders' regimes-or try to.But the unexpected key to either victory or peace lies with two persons uninterested in conquest, profits, or power. Philip Anderson seeks only the transcendent meaning of the physics underlying the universe. Tara Landry, spoiled and defiant youngest granddaughter of dynasty head Rachel Landry, accidentally discovers an eleventh star-jump gate, with a fabulous find on the planet behind it. Her discovery, and Philip's use of it, alter everything for the Eight Worlds.

ID produktu: 1284263462
Tytuł: Eleventh Gate
Autor: Kress Nancy
Lektor: Wright Braden
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-10-07
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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