Dungeons & Dragons (audiobook mp3)

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The Harpers have lost one of their own, a legendary adventurer named Artus Cimber, keeper of the artifact known as the Ring of Winter. They've hired you to travel to the jungle-clad land of Chult to find him. Hopefully, you can manage to find Cimber before the frost giants do-or the zombies that infest the land get you first. You're in the jungle now, cleric. Welcome to the Forgotten Realms(R) Endless Quest(R). You are about to embark on a journey. To where, only you could possibly say. It is not a journey like any you have been on before, where you start at the beginning and continue on a straight course until you reach the end. Instead, you will be presented with many choices along the way. Each time you are faced with one such choice, given to you by your narrator, make your decision from the options that are given and then follow the directions to continue your adventure. Once your quest has come to an end, either favorably or, as I'm afraid in some instances it is foretold, gruesomely, return to the beginning of the track or the last choice and try again.
ID produktu: 1369347449
Tytuł: Dungeons & Dragons
Autor: Pete Cross , Forbeck Matt , Jackson Gildart
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-03-01
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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