Concertos for Strings (CD)

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3 produkty

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Wysyłamy w 72 godziny
  • 1. Concerto in C Major, RV 114
  • 2. Concerto in C Major, RV 114
  • 3. Sonata A 4 in E Flat Major, RV 30
  • 4. Sonata A 4 in E Flat Major, RV 30
  • 5. Concerto in G Minor, RV 152
  • 6. Concerto in G Minor, RV 152
  • 7. Concerto in G Minor, RV 152
  • 8. Concerto in D Minor, RV 128
  • 9. Concerto in D Minor, RV 128
  • 10. Concerto in D Minor, RV 128
  • 11. Concerto in D Minor, RV 129
  • 12. Concerto in D Minor, RV 129
  • 13. Concerto in D Minor, RV 129
  • 14. Concerto in D Minor, RV 129
  • 15. Sinfonia in C Major
  • 16. Sinfonia in C Major
  • 17. Sinfonia in C Major
  • 18. Concerto in F Minor, RV 143
  • 19. Concerto in F Minor, RV 143
  • 20. Concerto in F Minor, RV 143
  • 21. Concerto in G Minor, RV 157
  • 22. Concerto in G Minor, RV 157
  • 23. Concerto in G Minor, RV 157
  • 24. Concerto in E Minor, RV 134
  • 25. Concerto in E Minor, RV 134
  • 26. Concerto in E Minor, RV 134
  • 27. Concerto in a Major, RV 158
  • 28. Concerto in a Major, RV 158
  • 29. Concerto in a Major, RV 158

It is a familiar fact that Antonio Vivaldi was a prime mover in the creation of the solo concerto, but what is less well known is that he also was the leading exponent of the older concerto a quattro – music in four parts, with several players to a part, intended for what we nowadays would call a string orchestra with continuo. As Vivaldi expert Michael Talbot explains in his informative liner notes, these works are notable not only for their beauty, but also for their experimental character and for providing the most important examples of fugal writing in Vivaldi’s instrumental music. It is not known when Vivaldi started to write them, but most of the almost fifty concertos probably originate from the 1720s and 1730s. They are recreational music par excellence, well suited to outdoor performance in gardens, but some of them may also have been played in various churches and theatres of Venice. This recording includes eight of the concertos, as well as the Sinfonia from the serenata La Senna festeggiante (The Rejoicing Seine) composed in honour of the young French king Louis XV, and the Sonata a 4 in E flat major ‘Al Santo Sepolcro’. The acclaimed Polish period band Arte dei Suonatori have made a number of highly regarded recordings, including a version of Handel’s 12 Concerto grossi Op. 6 which the international music press greeted with enthusiasm upon its release in 2008. It was ‘Orchestral Choice of the Month’ in BBC Music Magazine, received top marks in Diapason, and was described as ‘quite simply flawless and must be considered as a model for Handel interpretations of our time’ by the reviewer in the German magazine Toccata – Alte Musik Aktuell.

ID produktu: 1045220260
Tytuł: Concertos for Strings
Wykonawca: Arte Dei Suonatori
Kompozytor: Vivaldi Antonio
Dystrybutor: Music Island
Data premiery: 2011-08-01
Rok nagrania: 2011
Producent: Bis
Nośnik: CD
Liczba nośników: 1
Rodzaj opakowania: Jewel Case
Wymiary w opakowaniu [mm]: 125 x 10 x 140
Indeks: 10298756
średnia 4
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1 recenzja
14-10-2011 o godz 20:05 przez: Tomasz Witkowski
Arte Dei Suonatori znów sięga po Vivaldiego. Tym razem są to koncerty smyczkowe bez solowej partii skrzypiec. Nasza najlepsza orkiestra barokowa ma bardzo pozytywne doświadczenia z tym kompozytorem. Dlatego poprzeczka postawiona była wysoko.
Mam wrażenie, że czegoś tu brakuje. Jest kulturalnie, a nawet grzecznie, bez nadmiernych kontrastów. Brakuje mi jednak mocy, energii i żaru w tym nagraniu. Jestem przyzwyczajony do tego, że gdy słucham Vivaldiego to ta muzyka daje mi kopa, chwyta za gardło, orzeźwia. A ta płyta jest bardziej nastrojowa, stonowana, do zasłuchania.
Realizacja jest na wysokim poziomie. Nagranie zrealizowano w Semianrium Duchownym w Gościkowie - Paradyżu. W książeczce jest komentarz po polsku światowej sławy biografa Vivaldiego - Michaela Talbota.
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