Colonial Horrors (audiobook mp3)

Opracowanie zbiorowe

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The most spine-tingling suspense stories from the colonial era-including Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry James, and H. P. LovecraftThis stunning anthology of classic colonial suspense fiction plunges deep into the native soil from which American horror literature first sprang. While European writers of the Gothic and bizarre evoked ruined castles and crumbling abbeys, their American counterparts looked back to the colonial era's stifling religion, and its dark and threatening woods.Today the best-known tale of colonial horror is Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, although Irving's story is probably best known today from various movie versions it has inspired. Colonial horror tales of other prominent American authors-Nathaniel Hawthorne and James Fenimore Cooper among them-are overshadowed by their bestsellers, and are difficult to find in modern libraries. Many other pioneers of American horror fiction are presented afresh in this breathtaking volume for today's public readers.Some will have heard the names of Increase and Cotton Mather in association with the Salem witch trials, but will not have sought out their contemporary accounts of what were viewed as supernatural events. By bringing these writers to the attention of the contemporary readers, this collection will help bring their names-and their work-back from the dead.
ID produktu: 1273746242
Tytuł: Colonial Horrors
Autor: Opracowanie zbiorowe
Lektor: Boehmer Paul, Rubinstein John, narrators various, Rudnicki Stefan, Eyre Justine, Meskimen Jim
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-03-19
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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