Britten: The Turn Of The Screw (Album mp3)

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80,99 zł
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1. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Prologue
2. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act One - Interlude: Theme - Scene 1: The Journey
3. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act One - Interlude: Variation I - Scene 2: The Welcome
4. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act One - Interlude: Variation II - Scene 3: The Letter
5. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act One - Interlude: Variation III - Scene 4: The Tower
6. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act One - Interlude: Variation IV - Scene 5: The Window
7. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act One - Interlude: Variation V - Scene 6: The Lesson
8. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act One - Interlude: Variation VI - Scene 7: The Lake
9. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act One - Interlude: Variation VII - Scene 8: At Night
1. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act Two - Interlude: Variation VIII - Scene 1: Colloquy and So- lioquy
2. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act Two - Interlude: Variation IX - Scene 2: The Bells
3. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act Two - Interlude: Variation X - Scene 3: Miss Jessel
4. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act Two - Interlude: Variation XI - Scene 4: The Bedroom
5. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act Two - Interlude: Variation XII - Scene 5: Quint
6. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act Two - Interlude: Variation XIII - Scene 6: The Piano
7. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act Two - Interlude: Variation XIV - Scene 7: Flora
8. Britten: The Turn of the Screw, Op.54 - original version - Act Two - Interlude: Variation XV - Scene 8: Miles
ID produktu: 1221568672
Tytuł: Britten: The Turn Of The Screw
Wykonawca: Helen Donath, Heather Harper, Robert Tear, Ava June, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Solista: Helen Donath, Heather Harper, Robert Tear, Ava June, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Dyrygent: Sir Colin Davis
Orkiestra: Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Dystrybutor: Decca Music Group Ltd.
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2012-08-06
Rok wydania: 1982
Liczba płyt: 2
Format: MP3
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