Britten: Billy Budd (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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1. Billy Budd: I heard your honour! (Claggart/Squeak/Novice's Friend)
2. Billy Budd: Come along kid! Come along! (Novice's Friend/Novice/Chorus)
3. Billy Budd: Christ! The poor chap, the poor little runt! (Billy/Dansker/Red Whiskers/Donald)
4. Billy Budd: What's that? What's those whistles? (Billy/Donald/Claggart/First Mate/Second Mate/Bosun)
5. Billy Budd: Starry Vere we call him (Donald/Billy/Chorus/Red Whiskers/Dansker/Bosun)
6. Billy Budd: Boy! - Yes sir! (Vere/Boy)
7. Billy Budd: Gentlemen, the King! (Vere/First Lieutenant/Sailing Master)
8. Billy Budd: Ay, at Spithead the men may have had their grievances (Vere/Sailing Master/First Lieutenant)
9. Billy Budd: We are, sir. Claggart is an able one...Land on the port bow, sir (First Lieutenant/Vere/Sailing Master/Ratcliffe)
10. Billy Budd: Blow her away, Blow her to Hilo (Red Whiskers/Chorus/Billy/Donald/Dansker)
11. Billy Budd: We're off to Samoa (Donald/Chorus/Red Whiskers/Billy/Donald/Dansker)
12. Billy Budd: Hi! You...a...a... (Billy et al)
13. Billy Budd: Over the water, over the ocean (Chorus/Claggart)
14. Billy Budd: Come here, Remember your promise (Claggart/Novice)
15. Billy Budd: Billy!...Hist! Billy Budd! (Novice/Billy)
16. Billy Budd: Dansker, old friend, glad to see you! (Billy/Dansker)
1. Billy Budd: I don't like the look of the mist (Vere/First Lieutenant)
2. Billy Budd: With great regret I must disturb your honour (Claggart/Vere)
3. Billy Budd: Deck ahoy! Enemy sail on starboard bow! (Maintop et al)
4. Billy Budd: Who'll volunteer to beard 'em in the smoke? (Vere et al.)
5. Billy Budd: There you are again, Master-at-arms (Vere/Claggart/Boy)
6. Billy Budd: O this cursed mist (Vere/First Lieutenant/Sailing Master/Ratcliffe)
7. Billy Budd: Claggart, John Claggart, beware! I'm not so easily deceived (Vere/Billy)
8. Billy Budd: Master-at-arms and foretopman, I speak to you both (Vere/Claggart/Billy)
9. Billy Budd: God o' mercy! (Vere/Boy)
10. Billy Budd: Gentlemen, William Budd here has killed the Master-at-arms (Vere/First Lieutenant/Sailing Master/Ratcliffe)
11. Billy Budd: William Budd, you are accused... (First Lieutenant/Vere/Billy)
12. Billy Budd: Poor fellow, who could save him? (First Lieutenant/Sailing Master/Ratcliffe)
13. Billy Budd: I accept their verdict (Vere)
14. Britten: Billy Budd, Op. 50, Act 2 Scene 3: "Look! Through the port comes the moon-shine astray!" (Billy Budd)
15. Billy Budd: Here! Baby! (Dansker/Billy)
16. Billy Budd: And farewell to ye, old Rights o' Man! (Billy)
17. Billy Budd: Interlude
18. Billy Budd: "According to the Articles of War..." (All except Vere)
19. Billy Budd: Down all hands! And see that they go! (First Lieutenant et al)
20. Billy Budd: We committed his body to the deep (Vere)
ID produktu: 1082466566
Tytuł: Britten: Billy Budd
Wykonawca: Daniel Harding, Ian Bostridge, Nathan Gunn & London Symphony Orchestra
Solista: Daniel Harding, Ian Bostridge, Nathan Gunn, London Symphony Orchestra
Dyrygent: Daniel Harding
Orkiestra: London Symphony Orchestra
Dystrybutor: Warner Classics
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2008-09-15
Rok wydania: 2008
Liczba płyt: 3
Format: MP3
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