Astral Traveler's Daughter (audiobook mp3)

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Last year, Teddy Cannon discovered she was psychic. This year, her skills will be put to the test as she investigates a secretive case that will take her far from homeand deep into the past in the thrilling follow-up to School for Psychics.With trepidation, Teddy enters her second year at The Whitfield Institute, a facility hidden off the coast of San Francisco where students master telepathy and telekinesis, investigative techniques and SWAT tactics for covert roles in government service. She has been obsessively tracking the movements of the Patriot Corps, a secret organization that seems to be behind a string of crimes on US soilincluding the disappearance of her friend, Molly. She is not sure who she can trust with her findings: her friends think she is crazy and her teachers insist she focus on her schoolwork. Teddy tries to do what she is told. She tries to forget about her missing friend, her long lost birth parents, her rivalry with other students, even her forbidden romance with an instructor. She learns to be a meat shield: a Secret Service operative trained to protect whatever dummy they throw her way. She learns to disarm explosive devices. She also learn to transport herself through time, as she begins to grasp astral travel (that is, if she doesn't get lost in the time-space continuum). But Teddy has never been good at following the rules. So when an unexpected assignment leads her to the answers she's chased for so long, and reveal a clue about her own past, she takes a risk that puts everyone else she cares about in danger. The next book in the series that Kirkus Reviews called ';Harry Potter with a cast of millennials,' K.C. Archer's The Astral Traveler's Daughter is a heart-racing novel set in a world very much like our ownbut there is more to this place than meets the eye.
ID produktu: 1272819903
Tytuł: Astral Traveler's Daughter
Autor: Archer K.C.
Lektor: Maby Madeleine
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-03-19
Rok wydania: 2019
Format: MP3
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