Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code (audiobook mp3)

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The unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code is the third book in the unbelievably brilliant Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer. Read by the actor Gerry O'Brien.Artemis Fowl is attempting to go straight. But there's always time for one last job. Artemis Fowl has created the most powerful new supercomputer known to man - using stolen technology from an elite race of underground fairies. And when the computer falls into the hands of an IT billionaire with a shady past and an alleged mob connection, Artemis is in deep trouble. The consequences for humans and fairies alike are deadly. Only one person, well, fairy, can help him now.If only Artemis Fowl wasn't the fairies' public enemy number one . . . 'Grips like an electromagnet until the last word' - Independent'Engagingly vivid, exciting and witty' - The Telegraph'Fast, funny and very exciting' - Daily Mail ***Artemis Fowl was winner of the WHSmith Children's Book of the Year Award and Children's Book of the Year at the Children's Book Awards. Shortlisted for the Whitbread Children's Book of the Year Award.***Eoin Colfer was born and raised in Wexford in the south-east of Ireland. He began writing plays at an early age and, as an adult, continued to write. ARTEMIS FOWL, his first book featuring the brilliant young anti-hero, was an immediate international bestseller and won several prestigious awards.
ID produktu: 1273836800
Tytuł: Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code
Autor: Colfer Eoin
Lektor: O'Brien Gerry
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-08-21
Rok wydania: 2014
Format: MP3
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