Any Time, Any Place (audiobook mp3)

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HGTV's Property Brothers meets The Marriage Bargain in this second volume in the Billionaire Builders series, an all-new heart-wrenching and sexy contemporary romance from New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst.When she was a teen, Raven Bella Strattons father was killed in a horrible car crash. The bigger shock was the discovery of a woman with himDiana Pierceand their two fully packed suitcases with airline tickets to Paris. Devastated by her fathers betrayal, Raven went to live with her aunt, never truly overcoming the traumatic event. When she discovers that the mysterious woman had a family with a husband and three boys, Raven vows to leave the memory of her father behind. Until Dalton Pierce visits one night and suddenly her past challenges her future... Leaving his life in California behind to run Pierce Construction with his two older brothers, Dalton Pierce has enjoyed returning home and studying his passion of woodworking. But when he visits the local bar with his brothers one evening, hes immediately drawn to the smart-mouthed, badass, sexy bartender who sets his body on fire. Unfortunately, she doesnt seem as intrigued by him, and his multiple advances are met with rejection. When he offers to restore the bar back to its original glory, he begins to work with her on a daily basis, and falls harder. His plan of seduction slowly weaves a web around them both, until they are caught up in the spell. But Dalton doesnt know the secret that can either destroy them both...or finally mend two broken hearts.
ID produktu: 1273033634
Tytuł: Any Time, Any Place
Autor: Probst Jennifer
Lektor: Maby Madeleine, York Sebastian
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2017
Format: MP3
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