Amazing Fantastic Incredible (audiobook mp3)

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In this gorgeously illustrated, full-color graphic memoir, Stan Leecomic book legend and cocreator of Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Avengers, the Incredible Hulk, and a legion of other Marvel superheroesshares his iconic legacy and the story of how modern comics came to be.Stan Lee is a man who needs no introduction. The most legendary name in the history of comic books, he was the leading creative force behind Marvel Comics, and brought to lifeand into the mainstreamsome of the world's best-known heroes and most infamous villains throughout his career. His storiesfilled with superheroes struggling with personal hang-ups and bad guys who possessed previously unseen psychological complexityadded wit and subtlety to a field previously locked into flat portrayals of good vs. evil. Lee put the human in superhuman and in doing so, created a new mythology for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In this beautifully illustrated graphic memoirillustrated by celebrated artist Colleen Dorandiscover the true story behind the man, written with the same inimitable wit, energy, and offbeat spirit that he brought to the world of comics. Moving from his impoverished childhood in Manhattan to his early days writing comics, through his military training films during World War II and the rise of the Marvel empire in the 1960s to the current cinematic resurgence, Amazing Fantastic Incredible documents the life of a man and the legacy of an industry and career. This funny, moving, and incredibly honest memoir is a must-have for collectors and fans of comic books and graphic novels of every age.
ID produktu: 1273751767
Tytuł: Amazing Fantastic Incredible
Autor: Lee Stan , David Peter , Doran Colleen
Lektor: Riegert Peter
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2015
Format: MP3
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