All the Brains in the Business (audiobook mp3)

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The power of gender difference, not gender equality, is a secret source for success. Some smart businesses are starting to wake up to this fact. This audiobook explores why and how.Properly valuing brain gender diversity in the workplace is one of the biggest and largely untapped sources of competitive advantage for modern businesses. Recent advances in neuroscience provide the key to unlocking it.Modern research shows that there are gender-based differences in the brain-it's just not as simple as a binary between a "male brain" and "female brain." In fact, our brains are like a mosaic where many of the tiles are available in thousands of shades on a spectrum between pink and blue. The problem is that our workplaces tend to be governed by structures, processes, and cultures that are practically pure blue. All the brains in the business that are elsewhere on the spectrum cannot thrive as they might, so sources of productivity, creativity, and agility go untapped. Anyone who manages people needs to understand how the brain works and the impact it has on how people work together as teams. Anyone who wants to unlock the talent and productivity of all of their people needs to understand how recent findings around male- and female-type brains should shape the way they manage.Leading applied neuroscientists and international corporate coaches Kate Lanz and Paul Brown show you why and how to access all the brains in your business.

ID produktu: 1298854128
Tytuł: All the Brains in the Business
Autor: Brown Paul , Lanz Kate
Lektor: Richardson Ann
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-06-29
Rok wydania: 2021
Format: MP3
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