A Relaxing Snack Time (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

Cena zestawu:

Dodatkowy rabat:

Opłać i pobierz
1. The Coffee of the Day (Key Bb Ver.)
2. Garden Party Gala (Key Eb Ver.)
3. Late Night Lullaby (Key Bb Ver.)
4. Jazz Study
5. Coffee Mellow Times (Key Gb Ver.)
6. Slack and Slow (Key F Ver.)
7. New Year's Coffee (Key Eb Ver.)
8. Coffee, Caffiene !
9. Coffeehouse Jazz in Autumn Breeze (Key Db Ver.)
10. The Morning Rush (Key Gb Ver.)
11. I'm Going to a Concert (Key E Ver.)
12. Cascading Colors and Clouds (Key Db Ver.)
13. The Day at Work (Key A Ver.)
14. Coffee Shop in the Southwest (Key G Ver.)
15. Mocha Breeze Ballad (Key E Ver.)
16. Coffee at the Cinema (Key E Ver.)
17. Cafe on the Busy Street (Key D Ver.)
18. Cafe Near the Ball (Key E Ver.)
19. Dark Dewy Daze (Key Bb Ver.)
20. Coffee Shop Project (Key Ab Ver.)
21. Coffee and Tacos (Key D Ver.)
22. A Cup of Coffee, Tea, or Me ? (Key E Ver.)
23. Mellow Mildness Medley (Key A Ver.)
24. Urban Vibes (Key Ab Ver.)
25. Coffeehouse Chatter (Key Gb Ver.)
26. Cozy Cafes and Cream (Key G Ver.)
27. Enchanting Evening Elegance (Key C Ver.)
28. Cafe and Autumnal Whispers (Key B Ver.)
29. Cafe Curtain Cantata (Key F Ver.)
30. Slow Sips in the Shade (Key F Ver.)
ID produktu: 1446859298
Tytuł: A Relaxing Snack Time
Wykonawca: Jazz Odyssey Encounter
Dystrybutor: ME Recordings
Gatunek: Jazz
Data premiery: 2023-11-04
Rok wydania: 2023
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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