Organ Improvisation in Historical Styles. The Renaissance and Baroque (Album mp3)

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1. Toccata in the Venetian Style of the Late 16th and Early 17th Centuries
2. Pangue lingua gloriosi: I versus a 2
3. Pangue lingua gloriosi: II versus a 2
4. Pangue lingua gloriosi: III versus a 3
5. Pangue lingua gloriosi: IV versus a 3
6. Pangue lingua gloriosi: V versus a 5
7. Intabulation of Wacław of Szamotuły's Motet 'Ego sum pastor bonus'
8. Variations on the Theme of the Carol 'Szczęśliwa kolebko': Variation I
9. Variations on the Theme of the Carol 'Szczęśliwa kolebko': Variation II
10. Variations on the Theme of the Carol 'Szczęśliwa kolebko': Variation III
11. Variations on the Theme of the Carol 'Szczęśliwa kolebko': Variation IV
12. Variations on the Theme of the Carol 'Szczęśliwa kolebko': Variation V
13. Toccata in the Italian Mannerism Style of the First Half of the 17th Century
14. Ricercare cromatico
15. Canzona alla francese
16. Toccata in the South German Style of the Second Half of the 17th Century
17. Ciaccona in d
18. Praeludium in g in the North German Style
19. Chorale Prelude on the Theme of Psalm 91 'He Who Dwells in the Shelter of the Most High'
20. Prelude [Free Fantasia] and Aria 'Bist du bei mir': Prelude
21. Prelude [Free Fantasia] and Aria 'Bist du bei mir': Aria feat. Joanna Soczek
22. Concerto in F major: I Allegro
23. Concerto in F major: II Adagio
24. Chorale Partita on the Theme of the Song 'Jesus, Jesus, Come to Me': Theme
25. Chorale Partita on the Theme of the Song 'Jesus, Jesus, Come to Me': Partita I
26. Chorale Partita on the Theme of the Song 'Jesus, Jesus, Come to Me': Partita II
27. Chorale Partita on the Theme of the Song 'Jesus, Jesus, Come to Me': Partita III
28. Chorale Partita on the Theme of the Song 'Jesus, Jesus, Come to Me': Partita IV
29. Chorale Partita on the Theme of the Song 'Jesus, Jesus, Come to Me': Partita V
30. Prelude and Double Fugue in C major in the Late Baroque Style: Prelude
31. Prelude and Double Fugue in C major in the Late Baroque Style: Fugue
ID produktu: 1483007243
Tytuł: Organ Improvisation in Historical Styles. The Renaissance and Baroque
Wykonawca: Chopin University Press, Tomasz Soczek
Dystrybutor: Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina
Gatunek: Instrumental
Data premiery: 2024-05-03
Rok wydania: 2024
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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