Missa De Feria, Missa Sancta Dei Genitrix (CD)

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Może Cię zainteresować

  • 1. Missa De Feria: 1. Kyrie
  • 2. Missa De Feria: 2. Gloria
  • 3. Missa De Feria: 3. Credo
  • 4. Missa De Feria: 4. Sanctus
  • 5. Missa De Feria: 5. Agnus Dei
  • 6. O Domine, Jesu Christe
  • 7. Pater De Celis Deus
  • 8. Regina Celi
  • 9. Missa Sancta Dei Genitrix: 1. Kyrie
  • 10. Missa Sancta Dei Genitrix: 2. Gloria
  • 11. Missa Sancta Dei Genitrix: 3. Credo
  • 12. Missa Sancta Dei Genitrix: 4. Sanctus
  • 13. Missa Sancta Dei Genitrix: 5. Agnus Dei
  • 14. Salve Regina

While most of us might regard Pierre de La Rue as a composer of ‘early’ music, for Dr Page and his Gothic Voices this is bordering on the avant garde: this recording represents a leap forward a century from the group’s more accustomed repertoire, and the results are impressive to say the least.

 La Rue was remarkably prolific; at least twenty-nine Masses can be ascribed to him with confidence, and the Missa De Feria and Missa Sancta Dei genitrix are among the finest. His music is full of imitation, a sense of choreography, and is coloured by a fondness for particularly low registers.

 In addition to the two Masses, this disc includes the large-scale Pater de celis Deus, arguably the grandest of La Rue’s motets and a work full of counterpoint in its three-part, six-voice canon, and three other motets performed as lute intabulations in editions specially prepared for this recording by Christopher Wilson.

ID produktu: 1043796963
Tytuł: Missa De Feria, Missa Sancta Dei Genitrix
Seria: Helios
Wykonawca: Gothic Voices , Wilson Christopher , Rumsey Shirley
Kompozytor: De La Rue Pierre
Dyrygent: Page Christopher
Dystrybutor: Music Island
Data premiery: 2011-03-01
Rok nagrania: 1997
Producent: Hyperion
Nośnik: CD
Liczba nośników: 1
Wymiary w opakowaniu [mm]: 125 x 10 x 140
Indeks: 60482303
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