Britten: The Red Cockatoo & Other Songs (Album mp3)

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1. Humfrey: Lord! I Have Sinned (Arr. Britten)
2. Humfrey: Hymn to God the Father (Arr. Britten)
3. Croft: A Hymn on Divine Musick
4. Britten: This Way to the Tomb: I. Evening
5. Britten: This Way to the Tomb: II. Morning
6. Britten: This Way to the Tomb: III. Night
7. Britten: Night Covers Up the Rigid Land
8. Britten: Fish in the Unruffled Lakes
9. Britten: To Lie Flat on the Back with the Knees Flexed
10. Britten: A Poison Tree
11. Britten: When You're Feeling Like Expressing Your Affection
12. Britten: Not Even Summer Yet
13. Britten: The Red Cockatoo
14. Britten: Wild with Passion "Song on the Water"
15. Britten: If Thou Wilt Ease Thine Heart "Dirge for Wolfram"
16. Britten: Cradle Song for Eleanor
17. Britten: Birthday Song for Erwin
18. Britten: Um Mitternacht
19. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 1, Oh, My Blacke Soule!
20. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 2, Batter My Heart
21. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 3, Oh Might Those Sighes and Teares
22. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 4, Oh, to Vex Me
23. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 5, What If This Present
24. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 6, Since She Whom I Loved
25. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 7, At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners
26. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 8, Thou Hast Made Me
27. Britten: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 9. Death Be Not Proud
ID produktu: 1471743829
Tytuł: Britten: The Red Cockatoo & Other Songs
Wykonawca: Ian Bostridge, Graham Johnson
Solista: Ian Bostridge, Graham Johnson
Dystrybutor: Hyperion
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2024-03-29
Rok wydania: 1995
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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